Sunday, February 23, 2014

Nike Interactive Displays

This video shows a few different interactive window displays that Nike implemented in London in 2012. These are all really fun displays. They are simple, which I think is one of the easiest ways to be effective. They are so subtle that you could almost miss them, but when they move with you or activate as you walk by it catches your attention. One of the ones I think is really great is the one that advertises the reflective jacket. They place the jacket at eye level in the center of the display and then behind it have rows of reflector lights that you might see on bikes or joggers. So they play with the idea that there jacket is comparable to these reflective lights. With the lights flashing on and off in sequence, it is something that would make you stop and look. Another one that is fun, is very interactive. They have this little circle for a passerby to stand on and then it counts down and tells you to jump, and records your height and then you can save it to their gallery for others to see. All of these ads are fun and interesting and pay attention to detail, and can draw in a person walking on the street.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

In the spirit of Saint Valentine

In the spirit of the holiday, I've found many Valentines day displays, but these two were my favorite. They are both very simple yet eye catching, and elegant. The first one is advertising some quite wonderful high heels. This display is beautiful, they have a nice use of color, reds for Valentines day. The reds go well together it's not too much and they don't ever clash. There is a good level to it, I imagine from the outside it is around eye level. It is very feminine which I think is to its advantage, for the holiday and the product. If I saw these shoes in a window I would go into that store immediately! 

As for this display, it is also simple and elegant. They have a fantastic use of focal point the arrows point straight to the product and your eye goes there instantly. The arrows are very pretty, reminiscent of cupid and the heart formation is a nice detail. The gold color was a good choice it gives off a lavish and indulgent vibe, and of course every woman wants indulgence on Valentines day. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Vintage Delights

These two window displays were once featured at the store front of Ted Kennedy Watson, who designed them himself. He owns his own store and sells mostly home good type products. He is very passionate about what he does both and it is visible both in the products he sells and the window displays he designs. These two displays in particular caught my eye. First of all I have a love for anything that is vintage and historical. I also have a love for photography, so the display on the bottom with all of the old photographs used as a sort of wallpaper, I think is fantastic. Both of his displays are different, yet cohesive. They both give you an old time feel, but are diverse in the way they do it. The display on the top has a focus around old apothecary bottles. The numerous shapes and sizes of the bottles keep it interesting. Also the large containers on the floor go with these little bottles and the fact that the smaller bottles are on a higher level and the large ones on the ground, creates a nice balance. The other side is focused around old photography, complete with old photographs, and old camera, and an old trunk that has a reminiscent quality and you could see being filled with old photos. One of the things Watson does a great job of is balance. He uses levels really well and keeps everything displayed at dynamic angles. These window displays are quite fabulous and if I were walking by this storefront I would be drawn in by these lovely displays. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Interactive window displays are increasing in popularity throughout the world. People are finding more and more innovative ways to use technlogy to interact and engae with consumers. In this video Diesel clothing company uses this interactive rock show to engage people on the streets. Iin the video you can see how interested and amused the concumers are with the display and that they enjoy it. However the question is did the business of the store increase with this display? If not then what really is the purpose of such an extravagant effort. Because a window display is also supposed to advertise what you are selling, so is this successful or not? That is for the consumer to decide.